Well, many months have passed and I am once again negligent in my updates. Life tends to get a bit busy and by the time I have a few moments to myself to write, I am either too exhausted, or I’m just plain too lazy. So, I am going to attempt to give the “Reader’s Digest” version of the past 3 months.
December flew by at super sonic speed as usual and as always I was scrambling at the last minute to get everything done in time for Christmas. Chris lost his job the week before Thanksgiving so money was tighter than usual but somehow the kids seemed to get more than imaginable. I had been buying gifts for months and I really had no idea how much I had until Christmas Eve… the wrapping took many hours and the tree was bursting with presents. My mom came for 3 weeks and it was so nice to have her here. The kids adore her and I have it on good authority that she thinks they are pretty amazing as well. I was so happy that she could join us for our New Years ritual of waking the kids at midnight screaming “Happy New Year”. She usually tells us how mean we are to do such a cruel thing (particularly because we enjoy it so much…their faces are hysterical when they are jolted out of sleep by crazy adults with noise makers and champagne…juice for the minors), but this year she was an accomplice in our cruel, cruel ways…and she enjoyed it just as much as we did. The celebration was continued on the driveway with sparklers and the viewing of fireworks from our front yard. We are fully aware that our children will undoubtedly pay us back someday for our one night a year of “fun”, but we are willing to take that risk. We imagine, in our twilight years, them creeping into our room to scare the living daylights out of us. I’m giggling just thinking about it.
January and February have sailed by and we are looking forward to the summer with eager anticipation. Lucas and Emma are doing very well in school and we are so proud of them. Emma has an amazing mind and she blows us away sometimes with her wit and ability to learn with relative ease. Though, as with many people of intelligence, she lacks the common sense gene which continues to vex me greatly at times. But, I am working on this because I am absolutely certain that God gave me a child that is the exact opposite of me so that I can learn from her. And I do learn from her every day. I admire her more than any other person I have ever met. She has a spirit that captivates me because it is so carefree…something I am most definitely not. We have a lot to teach each other and I am so grateful that she is my daughter.
Lucas, on the other hand, is my twin in both sense and sensibilities. He is my first. He is my heart. I imagine someday he will no longer think of me as the greatest person on the planet, but until that day I will revel in the joy of being his mom. He was selected by the school district to be a part of the SPICE program (Special People in a Creative Environment) which is the early “gifted and talented” program for kindergarten-2nd grade. I think he was selected for his creativity and his critical thinking abilities. We will find out more tomorrow night at the school’s open house, where they are having a parents meeting for all the kids in the SPICE program. When I told him about it he said “Does that mean I will get more homework?” I said “I don’t know honey, but I think that you might get more homework”…to which he responded a very enthusiastic “YYYYAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!”. He started running around singing “I get to do more homework”. As I keep telling y’all…he’s from MARS!!!!!! …and we couldn’t be more proud of our little Martian.